26 August, 2010

date nights are great nights

Last night was the best night i've had in a while. We went to The Booley House in Ballyduff (that is fun to say! Booley house in Ballyduff...) to see some Irish dancing, song, and story telling. It was fantastic! There were several ages of dancers performing, so it was so fun to see the little kids all dressed up, and dancing around - as well as the adults. The music was fantastic, the musicians were great! I had so much fun watching it all... i actually had to check myself a few times. I almost cried twice because of sheer joy, and how good the energy of the stage felt, wafting over me. Ahh! Live performance, stage of ANY kind, feeds me. I kept myself from crying by laughing, then had to stifle my laughter... i felt like i was going to explode! But in a good way.

V brought home some Chinese food before we left, and we enjoyed that together. My mouth was pleasantly on fire for a while. It was very fun to get dressed up a little and go "out". I hope we can have more date nights someday when we can afford to. This was just too much fun!


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