29 January, 2013

David Sedaris Reads 50 Shades of Grey

I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon it, but I found an audiobook called When you are Engulfed in Flames written and narrated by David Sedaris. I had never before heard of this author, I knew nothing about his previous works or what style of writing he had - I just decided to listen and decide if I liked it based purely on my own discovery.

Hilarity ensued. 

It is a seriously funny set of short essays taken from his own life. It's not all giggles and grins, but the stories are masterfully told and gave me and my husband some serious belly laughs. To this day we still say "willage" instead of "village" among ourselves, and chuckle thanks to Mr. Sedaris. His other books are equally funny, and I would absolutely recommend them!

You may or may not remember when I read 50 Shades of Grey, a book I found utterly vomit-inducing. Not actually because of the sex in it, but because of the terrible, awful, no-good, really bad writing in it. I found that there was a lot of repetition of simple words like "murmur" and others that once I noticed them, I could no longer filter out - Anyways - this is not a further review of the book. Just a little post to share with you a video I stumbled across of David Sedaris reading an excerpt from 50 Shades of Grey. 

Definitely giggle-worthy, and definitely NSFW.


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