07 September, 2011


Sorry I haven't been posting as much lately. I don't really have an excuse other than I've been feeling a bit "blah" lately. I've been needing a change... it's just that time of year! I usually feel this way during the autumn and spring. Maybe it's natural.

Yesterday was supposed to be 10TILT but I spent the entire day driving around the country and cleaning up the house and getting dinner ready for a guest - who in the end, could not make it. No hard feelings of course, but it was a bit disappointing. When evening fell - I was just plain exhausted and didn't feel up to posting a new 10TILT. I was thinking - how about tomorrow? Ten Things I Love Tuesday - on Thursday! Hooray!

I'm feeling much better now - about the "blah-ness". Why? I got a hair cut! My friend Karina (who is a very, very talented hairdresser) helped me out and chopped off a solid ten inches off my hair (more in some places)!!

What do you think?
See you tomorrow!


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