04 February, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

To my blog! Today marks the one year anniversary to this blog...  here is my very first post, if you're interested. Yep. I still have what i believe to be anxiety. Yep, my car still gives me some trouble (but to this day still runs, albeit all the way across the sea in a parking lot at the place of my old employment) but is still a great car, and i still miss Oil Can Henry's.  I dont even know what it's like to get my oil changed in Ireland... yet.

A year has brought forth many fruits, and things i learned. In no particular order, here are some of them:

  • an appreciation for getting things in writing
  • more experience in photographing weddings and couples
  • less financial difficulty as i learned how to manage my funds (i said LESS!!)
  • paying my bills weekly is less painful than paying them at the end of the month
  • don't be rude, be kind, it gets better results even if it takes a while
  • appreciation for relationships and how they can be built from far away
  • a closeness to my Savior 
  • going to the movies alone isn't such a bad thing
  • apologies don't always make you feel better, neither does forgiveness- but it's not all about me.
  • i learned he thing you least expect to happen- can actually happen
  • i learned that it doesn't matter if everyone gets a Christmas Card or not
  • a few new and awesome friends
  • a few new and awesome family members - which could be considered the same
  • i learned i prefer to shop alone
  • two tattoos
  • i learned that some people are good at hiding who they really are
  • a new apartment
  • a greater appreciation for practice in improvisational comedy (which sounds like an oxymoron)
  • a new haircut
  • a new dislike for negativity, negative thinking, and negative friends
  • i learned that self acceptance is a beautiful thing (and a hard thing to accomplish.)
  • i learned being true to myself isn't as hard as i thought
  • my baptism
  • one year older
  • one year wiser (?)
  • Facebook... is addictive, dang it!
  • i learned that listening/watching the news makes me grieve for others
  • i learned to pray for the world when i am alone, instead of watching the news
  • hospitals are expensive
  • insurance doesn't always help- i learned to be choosy about who my insurance providers are
  • a mission trip
  • a shiny new diamond ring
  • a wonderful husband who i adore
  • i learned that toxic relationships are bad for you
  • a move to a new country
  • a new place to live, with new customs, money, lifestyle, etc...
  • a renewed sense of self and spirit
Happy Anniversary, Blog. Happy Anniversary, Self. 


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